Contact Us

Interested in learning more about the Mid-South REACH Development Grants?

Thinking about applying?

Mid-South REACH Project Managers can assist you with various aspects of the pre-application preparation, including the review of drafts prior to submission. We encourage informal inquiries about whether an idea or product would be suitable for this program.

If needed, Mid-South REACH Project Managers may also be able to help identify a suitable collaborator(s) and/or faculty sponsor (for non-faculty applicants).

Please reach out with any questions related to the Mid-South REACH grant program or to schedule an appointment to discuss your project/idea or pre-application. You can email Project Managers directly in each state:



Tennessee - Universities

Tennessee – Vanderbilt University Medical Center* or


* This is a limited submission opportunity. Applicants must be approved by the Brock Family Center for Applied Innovation to apply, or your application will not be considered or funded. Please contact and a meeting will be promptly scheduled to discuss your proposed application.

Any general questions about the

NIH Mid-South REACH program?

or use the form below: